why choose image

How are we different from other apps?

Dating should not be difficult in this modern age yet we find ourselves lost in the online world and chances of real interaction is going down by the minute.

Freedom from Profiles

No more! There's no need to scour through internet to create a clever profile. And don't even bother about pictures, if you don't want to. No real names either, we'll even suggest a random fake name.

Freedom from Anxiety

All the build up of online dating creates endless anxiety of whether a real-date is a possibity or not. We let you pick any of your daily activity and no need feel invested until you meet the person.

Freedom from Fear

Complete anonymity even after you meet the in-person. You can choose to block or report the person, if you feel uncomfortable and we will make sure that you won't match up again.

Freedom from Cost

Paying apps to find match is against all things natural. So, you don't pay anything to use the app. You can use that money to pamper your date.

Designed for ease of use!

A marvel of design and user interaction! A sneak peek at the app designed to make every feature easily accessible.

How To Use?

4 Simple Steps to Follow

Here's the outline of how to get started on the app.


Create Your Profile

Choose a screen name or pick one from suggested and your partner preference, That's it. No other personal information needed to get started.

If there's already a match, you'll see them waiting. Or just pick any favourite routine with date and time, we'll find a match and inform you.


Pick Any Activity


Check-in At Location

Once the Match is confirmed, arrive at location. Here's where app comes alive for communication and you'll be able to contact your match.

You can walk out of the date anytime, no personal information to share unless you want to. On top of it, you can block to avoid match again.


Rate Your Date